Uganda: Pysäytä "Homoille kuolema" laki nyt
Päivitys: 250 000 ympäri maailma on allekirjoittanut tämän kiireisen pyynnön. Lisää myös oma äänesi painamaan.
Voitko allekirjoittaa ja jakaa tämän addressin joka vaatii että Ugandan presidentti Museveni lopettaa ihmisoikeusrikkomukset lupaamalla käyttää veto-oikeuttaan "Kill the Gays" lakiin.
Seuraavan 28 tunnin kuluessa konservatiivit voivat saada läpi lain joka tekee LGBT ihmisenä olemisesta kuolemalla rangaistattavan teon.
Tämä vihaa täynnä oleva lakialoite on osa Ugandan hallituksen väkivaltaista demokraattisten voimien katoa maassa - ja aika sen pysäyttämiseen on loppumassa. Suomennettu allaolevasta teksikatkelmasta.
Uganda: Stop the "Kill the Gays" Law Now
UPDATE: 250,000 around the world have already signed this urgent call. Add your voice now to keep up the pressure!
Can you please sign and share this petition demanding that Ugandan President Museveni stop the human rights violations by publicly vowing to veto the "Kill the Gays" bill?
In the next 48 hours, conservative lawmakers could move a bill that would make being LGBT in Uganda a crime punishable by death.
This hateful bill is part of a pattern of the Ugandan government's violent repression of pro-democracy forces within the country - and time is running out to stop it.
(AFP/Getty Images) |
I just signed a petition demanding that Ugandan President Musevini veto the "Kill The Gays" bill should it be passed in Parliament.
We just learned the “kill the gays” bill - a death sentence for LGBT people in Uganda - could come up for a vote in the next 48 hours if we don’t act now.
Conservative leaders are trying hard to push the bill forward before the millions like us who oppose it have a chance to speak out. If we can create a massive international outcry, theres a chance to stop this bill from becoming law.
This hateful bill appears to be a political diversion, a way to distract from the legitimate grievances of pro-democracy activists, who have been beaten, teargassed, jailed, and even killed in recent weeks.
There are only days left to make sure your voice is heard. Will you join me in demanding the Ugandan President Musevini veto the "Kill The Gays" bill should it be passed in Parliament? Sign and share this urgent petition:"
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